Musicians in Conversation

Natalia Anderson talks with female, non-binary, trans and intersex musicians and DJ’s based in Switzerland about their music and creative processes.

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Musicians in Conversation

Natalia Anderson talks with female, non-binary, trans and intersex musicians and DJ’s based in Switzerland about their music and creative processes.

Natalia started out in the music scene playing guitar, singing and later DJing in London’s vibrant music scene. She has since taken her party sounds to Switzerland and continues to DJ under the name NAT FRM LDN. Natalia enjoys talking about music as well as playing it and worked as a VJ / TV presenter and music journalist for various events and platforms in the UK and beyond.

Production Credits 
Concept: Natalia Anderson in collaboration with Helvetiarockt
Presented and Produced by: Natalia Anderson

Season 1 (Episode 1 – 10) Music by Juli Lee
Season 2 (Episode 11 – 20) Music by Jessiquoi
Season 3 (Episode 21 – 30) Music by Jackie Brutsche and The Jackets

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